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Address | 3-6-4, Hommachi, Chuo-ku, OSAKA, HOMMACHI GARDEN CITY B1F If taking a taxi, please show this address to the driver: レストラン名:味吉兆ぶんぶ庵 住所:大阪市中央区本町3丁目6-4 本町ガーデンシティ地下1階 |
Phone | 06-6245-1055 |
Open | 11:00 a.m. ~ 9:45 p.m. Lunch 11:30 a.m. Last call for food and drinks is at 2:00 p.m. Dinner 5:30 p.m. Last call for food and drinks is at 8:00 p.m. |
Closed | We are closed on Mondays, the 4th Sunday of every month, and during the beginning and end of the year. |
Directions | Located 1 minute from Osaka subway Midosuji Line Honmachi station Exit No.7. (on the B1 floor of the St. Regis Hotel). |
Seating | 45 seats, 24 tables, 5 Tatami rooms |
Parking | Parking is available at the Honmachi Garden City parking lot. (Free validation available at Ajikitcho Bunbu-an) |
Smoking | Prohibited |
Wifi | Wifi Available |
Children | Welcome(Baby chairs available) |
Reservation | Reservation only ※Reservation from official homepage at least 3 days in advance. Online pre-payment w/Credit Card or Paypal required. |
Payment method | Credit Card or Cash |